Saturday, November 19, 2016

Texas BBQ with strangers

Here's a story about talking to strangers and eating Texas BBQ: First of all, Rudy's is THE place to go in Texas. The whole experience is like nothing I've seen! ...and the food is great. 

In line behind me was the LoneStar Soccer club. After chatting with these guys about today's win against the yellow team, I was immediately invited to sit at their table. That's where I got to know Oliver, Jacob, Mathiew & Ryan a bit more. Oliver and Mathiew explained to me that they both play goalie. They agreed that Mathiew is better at it, but Oliver enjoys playing that position a lot more. Meanwhile, Ryan sipped his bottle of root beer while explaining to Jacob and I how it's made. You see, it's simply beer with roots added. The roots somehow remove the alcohol which makes it ok for kids to drink. 👍🏽

Thanks guys for having lunch with me!!

...a full belly and I'm back on the road.